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The Autumn Trees Analogy Of “Letting Go!”

“The seasons change their manners, as the year had found some months asleep and leapt them over.”

William Shakespeare

It has been an intriguing experience watching the surrounding landscapes change as each season passes. And I’ve always been thankful to be privy to these transformations.

Real nature is inspiring and peaceful. But beyond just the beauty of it all, the changing seasons teach me some important lessons about life.

The first time I’d seen the season change was when I first arrived in Boston in 1972. I discovered a revelation that reshaped my view of falling autumn petals and leaves.

It taught me that a tree sacrifices leaves and sheds them so the trunk can stay alive. And it’s easy to see the metaphor behind it.

A tree spends many months growing new leaves to uphold budding flowers, only to see the flowers and leaves cascade down to the earth when fall arrives.

Fall Forest

I learned the important lesson of letting go of autumn forests. But, sadly, I later sense distress, for I want to hold on to what I’ve invested in, whether that be time, money, energy, or that special “someone” who has filled a spot in my heart.  

I do this because I sometimes am uncertain about change.

I must let go of these things. They’ll only draw me down. I understand that trees and plants must change. It allows them to rest and rejuvenate so they can return more robust than before.

The changing seasons also teach me about impermanence. I have experienced multiple seasons throughout my adult life. And each season provides clues for a tribute to my intuitive nature.

When I face seasons of difficulty, I know they aren’t everlasting. Almost everything I believe, see, touch, feel, and my being here on this earth is temporary. 

The world continues to spin, and the seasons keep changing whether we’re ready. We all grow buds and flowers in our lives, only to shed them. It isn’t the same as giving up. I believe changing seasons permit us to honor the entirety of ourselves—the light and the dark. The beautiful and the ugly. And it’s okay to shed what’s not working anymore so we can blossom.

It does not mean humans go through life alone. Like trees need sunlight and water to grow, humans need human connection to thrive.

Changing seasons continue to offer valuable lessons and wisdom about why we should embrace change. 

“Listen to your intuition and be open to change. Change is the only constant in our lives.”

Aura Alex

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